The project contains:
- One (1) AE Project File (CC 2015 and above compatible).
- One (1) PDF Tutorial.
- No plugins required.
- Very easy to customize.
- 30 fps.
- Music track of the Preview is not included. The song is called “Energetic Upbeat Pop Motivational Corporate ” made by StockSounds and can be found here. In the polaroid preview video the song is called “Cigars from Cuba” made by MValentino and can be found here. All photos have been taken from Photodune elite Author ollyi and from The fonts that we are use in polaroid preview video are called “Hapole Pencil” and “Jenang Kudus” can be found here and here
2 Gb Project Files Folder
107 Mb Falling Photos Mosaic (CC 2150).aep
002.9 Mb Tutorial.pdf
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